Submission #1823443

Source Code Expand

import std.stdio;
import std.string;
import std.conv;
import std.typecons;
import std.algorithm;
import std.functional;
import std.bigint;
import std.numeric;
import std.array;
import std.math;
import std.range;
import std.container;
import std.ascii;
import std.concurrency;
import core.bitop : popcnt;
alias Generator = std.concurrency.Generator;

long MOD = 10L^^9 + 7;
void main() {
    int N, K; scanln(N, K);
    int[] as = N.rep!(() =>!int);

    long[int][] dp = new long[int][N+1];
    dp[0][0] = 1;
    foreach(i, a; as) {
        foreach(k, v; dp[i]) {
            dp[i+1][k] += v;
            dp[i+1][k] %= MOD;
            dp[i+1][k^a] += v;
            dp[i+1][k^a] %= MOD;
    if (K in dp[N])
    else 0.writeln;

// ----------------------------------------------

void scanln(Args...)(ref Args args) {
    foreach(i, ref v; args) {
        (i==args.length-1 ? "\n" : " ").readf;
    // ("%d".repeat(args.length).join(" ") ~ "\n").readf(args);

void times(alias fun)(int n) {
    // n.iota.each!(i => fun());
    foreach(i; 0..n) fun();
auto rep(alias fun, T = typeof(fun()))(int n) {
    // return!(i => fun()).array;
    T[] res = new T[n];
    foreach(ref e; res) e = fun();
    return res;

// fold was added in D 2.071.0
static if (__VERSION__ < 2071) {
    template fold(fun...) if (fun.length >= 1) {
        auto fold(R, S...)(R r, S seed) {
            static if (S.length < 2) {
                return reduce!fun(seed, r);
            } else {
                return reduce!fun(tuple(seed), r);

// cumulativeFold was added in D 2.072.0
static if (__VERSION__ < 2072) {
    template cumulativeFold(fun...)
    if (fun.length >= 1)
        import std.meta : staticMap;
        private alias binfuns = staticMap!(binaryFun, fun);

        auto cumulativeFold(R)(R range)
        if (isInputRange!(Unqual!R))
            return cumulativeFoldImpl(range);

        auto cumulativeFold(R, S)(R range, S seed)
        if (isInputRange!(Unqual!R))
            static if (fun.length == 1)
                return cumulativeFoldImpl(range, seed);
                return cumulativeFoldImpl(range, seed.expand);

        private auto cumulativeFoldImpl(R, Args...)(R range, ref Args args)
            import std.algorithm.internal : algoFormat;

            static assert(Args.length == 0 || Args.length == fun.length,
                algoFormat("Seed %s does not have the correct amount of fields (should be %s)",
                    Args.stringof, fun.length));

            static if (args.length)
                alias State = staticMap!(Unqual, Args);
                alias State = staticMap!(ReduceSeedType!(ElementType!R), binfuns);

            foreach (i, f; binfuns)
                static assert(!__traits(compiles, f(args[i], e)) || __traits(compiles,
                        { args[i] = f(args[i], e); }()),
                    algoFormat("Incompatible function/seed/element: %s/%s/%s",
                        fullyQualifiedName!f, Args[i].stringof, E.stringof));

            static struct Result
                R source;
                State state;

                this(R range, ref Args args)
                    source = range;
                    if (source.empty)

                    foreach (i, f; binfuns)
                        static if (args.length)
                            state[i] = f(args[i], source.front);
                            state[i] = source.front;

                @property bool empty()
                    return source.empty;

                @property auto front()
                    assert(!empty, "Attempting to fetch the front of an empty cumulativeFold.");
                    static if (fun.length > 1)
                        import std.typecons : tuple;
                        return tuple(state);
                        return state[0];

                void popFront()
                    assert(!empty, "Attempting to popFront an empty cumulativeFold.");

                    if (source.empty)

                    foreach (i, f; binfuns)
                        state[i] = f(state[i], source.front);

                static if (isForwardRange!R)
                    @property auto save()
                        auto result = this;
                        result.source =;
                        return result;

                static if (hasLength!R)
                    @property size_t length()
                        return source.length;

            return Result(range, args);

// minElement/maxElement was added in D 2.072.0
static if (__VERSION__ < 2072) {
    auto minElement(alias map, Range)(Range r)
    if (isInputRange!Range && !isInfinite!Range)
        alias mapFun = unaryFun!map;
        auto element = r.front;
        auto minimum = mapFun(element);
        foreach(a; r) {
            auto b = mapFun(a);
            if (b < minimum) {
                element = a;
                minimum = b;
        return element;
    auto maxElement(alias map, Range)(Range r)
    if (isInputRange!Range && !isInfinite!Range)
        alias mapFun = unaryFun!map;
        auto element = r.front;
        auto maximum = mapFun(element);
        foreach(a; r) {
            auto b = mapFun(a);
            if (b > maximum) {
                element = a;
                maximum = b;
        return element;

Submission Info

Submission Time
Task F - Limited Xor Subset
User arkark
Language D (DMD64 v2.070.1)
Score 500
Code Size 6581 Byte
Status AC
Exec Time 97 ms
Memory 32508 KB

Judge Result

Set Name Sample All
Score / Max Score 0 / 0 500 / 500
AC × 3
AC × 33
Set Name Test Cases
Sample sample_01.txt, sample_02.txt, sample_03.txt
All sample_01.txt, sample_02.txt, sample_03.txt, subtask_1_1.txt, subtask_1_10.txt, subtask_1_11.txt, subtask_1_12.txt, subtask_1_13.txt, subtask_1_14.txt, subtask_1_15.txt, subtask_1_16.txt, subtask_1_17.txt, subtask_1_18.txt, subtask_1_19.txt, subtask_1_2.txt, subtask_1_20.txt, subtask_1_21.txt, subtask_1_22.txt, subtask_1_23.txt, subtask_1_24.txt, subtask_1_25.txt, subtask_1_26.txt, subtask_1_27.txt, subtask_1_28.txt, subtask_1_29.txt, subtask_1_3.txt, subtask_1_30.txt, subtask_1_4.txt, subtask_1_5.txt, subtask_1_6.txt, subtask_1_7.txt, subtask_1_8.txt, subtask_1_9.txt
Case Name Status Exec Time Memory
sample_01.txt AC 1 ms 256 KB
sample_02.txt AC 1 ms 256 KB
sample_03.txt AC 1 ms 256 KB
subtask_1_1.txt AC 4 ms 2556 KB
subtask_1_10.txt AC 68 ms 21116 KB
subtask_1_11.txt AC 75 ms 21628 KB
subtask_1_12.txt AC 9 ms 2556 KB
subtask_1_13.txt AC 24 ms 5756 KB
subtask_1_14.txt AC 5 ms 1916 KB
subtask_1_15.txt AC 3 ms 1020 KB
subtask_1_16.txt AC 1 ms 380 KB
subtask_1_17.txt AC 1 ms 256 KB
subtask_1_18.txt AC 77 ms 18812 KB
subtask_1_19.txt AC 44 ms 12644 KB
subtask_1_2.txt AC 4 ms 1660 KB
subtask_1_20.txt AC 52 ms 19964 KB
subtask_1_21.txt AC 52 ms 19964 KB
subtask_1_22.txt AC 1 ms 256 KB
subtask_1_23.txt AC 1 ms 256 KB
subtask_1_24.txt AC 1 ms 256 KB
subtask_1_25.txt AC 91 ms 26876 KB
subtask_1_26.txt AC 1 ms 380 KB
subtask_1_27.txt AC 1 ms 256 KB
subtask_1_28.txt AC 1 ms 256 KB
subtask_1_29.txt AC 1 ms 256 KB
subtask_1_3.txt AC 3 ms 1020 KB
subtask_1_30.txt AC 1 ms 256 KB
subtask_1_4.txt AC 4 ms 1148 KB
subtask_1_5.txt AC 2 ms 764 KB
subtask_1_6.txt AC 94 ms 30076 KB
subtask_1_7.txt AC 97 ms 32508 KB
subtask_1_8.txt AC 66 ms 22396 KB
subtask_1_9.txt AC 47 ms 12412 KB